In Samoa

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Funnel Cakes

Avanoa Tutusa is a non-governmental organization that encourages equality for women and youth through career fairs, preschool grants, and business opportunities. The organization is an official NGO not a Peace Corps organization, but since it was started by Peace Corps a large majority of the members are still Peace Corps Volunteers. For the past two years they have set up a Funnel Cake booth at the Teuila Festival to raise money (the past president, Pete, got a hankering for Funnel Cakes sometime last year). Funnel Cakes are very much an American invention and many people have no idea what they are, so one of the tasks at the booth is to stand in front giving free samples. Of course, free samples are also an American invention; many people pass by with confused expressions and a few have even offered money for their sample! Despite the many cultural barriers, Funnel Cakes are gaining in popularity through word of mouth. Yesterday, we used four 5-gallon buckets of batter…that’s a lot of funnel cakes! I have no idea how much money we’ve raised so far, but judging from how fast the buckets of batter are emptying into the frying oil I’d say we have enough to grant quite a few preschools with supplies and equipment. I’ve been doing my part to help out the organization, which means that over the past four days my waist has expanded at least two inches….good thing Teuila Festival only comes around once a year!

Pictures later, running short on time today!!!


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